Monday, 4 April 2011

Canberra Comic Meet Up: April

Well yesterday was the first Sunday of the month which means its time for the Canberra Comic Meet up!
This month saw the most people turn up for a LONG time (Maybe it was the siren's song on the radio). ENOUGH WAFFLING ONTO THE PICS!!!
So I finished my last Visual Arts Diary in one month (124 pages in one month!)
So that means the first pic is the naked pic (its a rule)
Then I was feeling a little low so I drew this one
Dr.Strange Pics
Godzilla Pics
Godzila Ghostbuster
Godzilla Ralph Wiggum
 Godzilla Amazing Spider-man issue 129
Impact comics challenge
This months Impact comics challenge was "fish police". Here's Abe Sapien (An exercise in foreshortening)

 And here's a version of Ryan's pic
 And here's a picture I did after: More Character designs

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